“History in 3D” creates 4K videos of iconic locations and interiors of ancient Rome, showcasing the Сity as it was at the height of its glory
“History in 3D” announces the release of the first demo version of an interactive walk through ancient Rome.
“HISTORY IN 3D” recreates in 3D what did Forum Romanum look like in 410, right after the sack by Goths
Building Rome in 3D – News and current progress 4 Comments on Building Rome in 3D – News and current progress
Baths of Caracalla – detailed video tour from “History in 3D” 2 Comments on Baths of Caracalla – detailed video tour from “History in 3D”
Rome in 3D – 8 minute aerial flight over the center of the Etеrnal City 7 Comments on Rome in 3D – 8 minute aerial flight over the center of the Etеrnal City